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Our Benefits to Retailers

Save money, save time – Save your business!

Reduce Occupancy Costs – Rent Too High

Utilizing timelines to secure optimal lease results and safeguard your business’s future against rent hikes or business loss due to missed deadlines.

Free Up Time - Keep Focused On Retailing
We provide timely action checklists to help manage major lease events alongside your retail business.
Improve Cashflow & Profitability
MiLease Simplifying Retail Leases equips you with skills and tools for ongoing occupancy cost management, impacting profitability.
Leverage Time – Put Time On Your Side

Maximize lease outcomes by addressing events early; use the FREE Lease Simulator for personalized recommendations.

Protect Your Asset (Business Value)
Secure your retail business asset by planning future lease tenure wisely, recognizing that you lease time, not just space.
Stay Up To Date – Leasing Is Evolving
Join our ‘Inside Leasing’ Facebook group for ongoing updates and shared experiences in Retail Lease Legislation reform.

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